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Supporting Community Causes Since 1953

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All grants provided by The Peterborough Foundation are awarded for specific purposes and are to be used within a designated time period. The following general guidelines apply:

The Foundation has a commitment primarily to the support of agencies and organizations that benefit the citizens of the City and County of Peterborough and that operate within this geographic boundary.
Grants are given only to charitable organizations registered with Canada Revenue Agency. Student bursaries are processed through the educational institutions.
Preference is usually given to projects that:
encourage more efficient use of community resources;
expect to test or demonstrate new approaches and techniques in the solution of community problems;
promote volunteer participation and citizen involvement in the community.
The Foundation encourages:
proposals developed in consultation with other agencies and planning groups;
projects promoting co-ordination, co-operation and sharing among organizations and the elimination of duplicated services.
Consideration may be given to requests for assistance with equipment and furnishings.
Grants are not usually made:
to support operating expenses of well established organizations;
to establish or add to endowment funds;
to relieve operating or capital deficits;
for travel, conference, or publication expenses;
for sponsorship of teams or clubs.
Grants are not made toward the promotion of political, religious, moral or ethical philosophies or viewpoints.
Grants are not made for improvements to buildings not owned by the applicant.
The applicant will be requested to repay grants that are given for capital improvements on a building owned by the applicant in the event of the sale of the building.

All applicants must submit a request in writing. A visit by a representative of the Foundation may be expected if the project is considered suitable.